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Checkmate in chess 1 Photograph by Elena Elisseeva

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Comments (6)

Nicklas Gustafsson

Nicklas Gustafsson

Great picture!

Soraya D'Apuzzo

Soraya D'Apuzzo

Congratulations! Your Artwork has been chosen as a feature of the Home page 06/19/2024 of the Group "YOUR BEST GRAYSCALE WORK". For pleasure, add, for archiving, your work in the special section of the group discussions. Thank you !

Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

very nice black and white picture. L

Elena Elisseeva

Elena Elisseeva

Thank you William and Lynn!

Lynn Marie Sharp

Lynn Marie Sharp

Beautiful and a favorite!

William Dunigan

William Dunigan

Love the depth of field and very high contrast; beautiful work!

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Checkmate in chess 1 by Elena Elisseeva
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