Yellow grapes in sunshine

by Elena Elisseeva
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Comments (41)

Marilyn Cornwell
Congratulations on Oct 3 2023 for this splendid image featured in All Glorious Gardens on the Harvest theme

Taphath Foose
Gorgeous work, Elena!!! CONGRATULATIONS, your work is featured in "Your Best Work"! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" discussion thread and any other thread that is fitting!! And also a special congratulations as your gorgeous work was specially chosen as an “Administrator's Finest” and shared in the Your Best Work group thread!! 😊

Toni Hopper
Congratulations on an incredible sale! This is an excellent photograph and I can only imagine how grand it will look in that size! Nice work! You can also add it to the catalog discussion for SOLD 2022 in our Women Photographers group!